10 Jul Approaching the end of term
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the last week of the school term I wanted to clarify arrangements for the end of term to answer questions you may have.
Firstly, for any family who wants to discuss their child’s learning with their current class teacher you can book a 10 minute slot for your child’s class teacher to call you on Wednesday after school from 3:30 p.m. until 5 p.m. for all classes except Christianne’s, who only has availability on Monday 13th after school from 3:30 p.m. until 5 p.m. If you would like take advantage of this opportunity please email the school at :
office@ashmount.islington.sch.uk and let us know.
We intend to issue school reports next Friday when children come to visit their new class teacher, for those who are unable to attend we would ask you come to pick these up from school when you can after this date by contacting the school office, as due to the confidential nature of the reports we do not want to mail them out to families. For Year 6 children their reports and books will go home on the Thursday afternoon after their leavers assembly.
Similarly, we will also send school books home on Friday when your child comes to visit their class teacher. Again for those families who cannot join us at this time you can pick them up from school after this date by calling at the school office.
I will, later today, issue all families with Meet the Teacher details for Friday the 17th July when your child will have the opportunity to meet their new class teacher. We will issue more comprehensive guidance on access to the school for all class groups on Monday. When you receive your meeting time slots can you please respond to the Survey Monkey link so that we can confirm your attendance and plan accordingly. There has been a slight change due to the logistical nature of travel arrangements and other teaching responsibilities of Charlotte who will be one of our Year 6 teachers in the autumn which means that her Year 6 Meet the Teacher sessions will now be both on the Friday afternoon.
Sadly, due to the economic effect of the Covid-19 crisis we have some families who will not return to us in the autumn and we will have some spaces in Year 1 and Year 3. Please let your friends and family know so others can come and share the fabulous Ashmount learning offer! More positively Nursery is very close to being oversubscribed, which is a great reflection on the whole school staff learning team!
Finally, our reduced school offer to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will end on Thursday afternoon, as will our Key Work- er offer as we prepare for our exciting Meet The Teacher offer on Friday 17th July. Thank you to all families who have joined us over this time but even more so to those families who we have not been able to support with the offer of school based learning, but we are incredibly excited to see you all on Friday!
Best wishes and stay safe, Anthony Carmel (Headteacher)
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