Here you will find forms from the school office.
Completed forms can be returned to the school office in person, or scanned and returned by email to unless specified otherwise. Hard copies are available from the school office and can be completed on site.
In order for your child to achieve their full potential, it is vital that they attend school daily. The head teacher will only grant permission for absence for medical, religious or exceptional circumstances. For further information on attendance, please read our attendance policy . To request absence from school during term time, please complete the Term time leave request form
For our main admission procedure, please see our Admissions page. If you are leaving the school, please complete the Leavers form
Change of Details
If your address or contact details change (telephone or email) it is important to let the school office know as soon as possible. Please do this by completing the Change of Details form
Formal Meeting Request
If you would like a formal in-school meeting with a member of staff. Please complete the Formal Meeting Request form
Ashmount has a policy that staff can administer prescribed medication, however we will not give your child medicine unless we have a completed and signed form on file. Please complete the Parent agreement for medication form
Re-integration form
Following any external exclusion from school, the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher for Inclusion and child’s parent/carer will complete the Reintegration Meeting form
Walking Bus
If you would like to use the Walking Bus service to the Cape adventure playground, we now require you to complete a form which can be sent back via email. If your child is in Year 5/6 you can give permission for them to walk home or to the cape independently by completing the second page of the Walking Bus Form