Please always follow the latest Government guidance on testing and isolating. You can find this here:
January 2022 update from Ashmount:
Whilst we are doing everything we can to minimise transmission rates the daily absences are affecting both learning delivery and staff flexibility. In light of this, we really ask you to follow testing routines outlined below and continue to wear face masks on site to keep everyone safe.
All families with children 5 and over should consider testing their children on a twice weekly basis to protect our local school community by taking LFD tests at home. These should be taken 3 to 5 days apart which is the same as all school staff who do these on a Sunday and Wednesday. This measure has been shown to be highly effective at reducing the spread of the virus in secondary schools and by taking this important action this term we can help to keep the number of cases low at Ashmount.
Tests are free and can be accessed in the following ways:
Pick up free rapid test kits from a local pharmacy.
Find where to get rapid lateral flow tests here:
Order free rapid test kits to be delivered to your home within 24 hours here: (Please note on local public health advice these kits can be ordered for testing on under 11s):
Finally, if your child does contract Covid-19 please let us know as soon as possible by emailing the school office.
They will be able to end their self-isolation period at the start of day 6 if they get 2 negative rapid lateral flow test results on days 5 and 6 and do not have a temperature. Tests must be at least 24 hours apart. In the hope your child will show a negative outcome it would be good if these tests could be done at 8 a.m. on day 5 and 6 so they could come to school on the same day as the second negative outcome. If either test is positive, wait 24 hours before testing again. For your child to return to school prior to the end of their mandatory 10 day self isolation we must see these test outcomes evidenced either through date stamped photos of the LFD’s, or the NHS site response from registering these test outcomes. These outcomes will have to be shared with Katie and Shajia at the school office before your child returns. This is to ensure we keep everyone in the community safe.